
30 November 2010


Menjadi seorang Pegawai Psikologi bukanlah cita- cita yang di idamkam. Minat yang mendalam dalam bidang bahasa menutup minatku untuk berkecimpung dalam bidang2 lain. Tapi kita hanya merancang Tuhan yang menentukan segala-galanya.

Borang tawaran kemasukan ke universiti tiga tahun yang lalu ku isi dengan penuh yakin berharap agar pilihan2 teratas berjaya merealisasikan impianku. Tapi keputusan tawaran masuk ke universiti tidak berpihak kepadaku bilamana kursus yang tidak pernah aku minati tertera di surat tawaran. Aku di pilih untuk mengikuti kursus kaunseling. Aku pasrah dengan keputusan itu dan berharap agar ada hikmah yang tersembunyi di sebaliknya.

Tawaran itu menempatkan aku di dalam kursus kaunseling bersama dengan 61 orang pelajar yang lain. Perasaan sedih memang tak dapat di sembunyikan apabila sesi berkenalan bersama pensyarah2 dan rakan2 baru mengkehendaki kita menceritakan serba sedikit tentang kursus yang di ambil itu samaada memang yang kita nak atau dapat. Suka atau tak yang pasti aku dah melangkah ke bidang ini bilamana aku mendaftar sebagai pelajar di universiti itu.

Sekarang aku dah berada di tahun akhir pengajian. Tempoh 4 tahun telah banyak mengubah pendirian aku tentang kursus ini. Sokongan dari kaum keluarga, pensyarah2 dan rakan2 menjadikan aku seorang yang kuat untuk berdepan dengan cabaran itu. Tidak lama lagi aku akan memulakan praktikal dalam bidang ini. Harapnya aku akan berjaya melalui proses tersebut dan berjaya untuk menjawat jawatan sebagai Pegawai Psikologi pada masa akan datang.

Siapa itu Pegawai Psikologi???

Sejarah kewujudan Pegawai Psikologi di JPA bermula pada tahun 1992 dengan tertubuhnya Unit Psikologi dan Kaunseling. Unit ini kemudiannya berkembang menjadi Bahagian pada tahun 1998.

Pegawai Psikologi kini telah ditempatkan disemua kementerian, pejabat SUK Negeri, Kolej Komuniti, Pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia, Jabatan Kebajikan Daerah dan di JPA sendiri. Skim ini dilihat bakal berkembang sejajar dengan perkembangan perkhidmatan awam itu sendiri. Apabila modal insan menjadi pokok persoalan maka kejuruteraan insan itu dengan sendirinya akan berkembang.

Pegawai psikologi sebagai jurutera insan harus memainkan peranan yang lebih ampuh bagi membuktikan keperluan kepada perkhidmatan ini bukan hanya di atas kertas tetapi merupakan keperluan mutlak dalam perkhidmatan awam. Sumber : HERE

a. Jawatan : Pegawai Psikologi

b. Gred : S41

c. Kumpulan : Pengurusan dan Profesional

d. Kem./Jab. : Pelbagai Kementerian/ Jabatan

e. Jadual Gaji :

P1T1 RM1688.89 - P1T27 RM4638.89
P2T1 RM1783.51 - P2T27 RM4917.16
P3T1 RM1882.31 - P3T27 RM5219.23


i) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dalam bidang psikologi atau psikologi klinikal atau kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T3]; ATAU

ii) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dalam bidang sains tingkahlaku berserta Diploma Psikologi Kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T3]; ATAU

iii) Ijazah Sarjana dalam bidang psikologi atau psikologi klinikal atau kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T7]; ATAU

iv) Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D) dalam bidang psikologi atau psikologi klinikal atau kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji Permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T10]; DAN

iv) lulus B.M (termasuk lulus Ujian Lisan) pada peringkat SPM atau kelulusan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya oleh Kerajaan.

Deskripsi Tugas

Bertanggungjawab merancang, melaksana dan menyelaras aktiviti-aktiviti berkaitan bidang psikologi/ psikologi klinikal/ kaunseling kepada klien. Sumber : HERE

psssttt:- praktikal pn belum mula lg...dh berangan nk jd Pegawai Psikologi...huhu

25 November 2010


Exam comes again...tomorrow will be my final exam. After one semester came to lecture and tutorial, now it's time to be test my achievement for this semester.

This semester, I'm in Semester 7. It means that this is the last exam that I will sit as a degree students. Next semester, which is the last semester I will be in practical area. So, no more exam...huhu

For this semester, I took three subjects including Current Social Issues, Moral Rehabilitation Counseling and Workplace Counseling. Even only three subjects, but it quite tough to me. You know why??? This three subjects will test on how far my understanding to deal with a various kinds of clients with various of problems. Therefore, I need to make a treatment plan for them.

It sound difficult, but I'm trying my best to answer it very well. Hopefully, the question is easy and I can answer it with a good answer. To all my lovely frenz, Counseling Fourth Year Student "All the best and Gud Luck". Pray for my success!!!

Don't forget to recite the doa before answer the questions....hihi...

Ya Allah, bukakanlah ke atas kami hikmatMu
dan limpahilah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu,
wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Wahai Tuhanku, tambahkanlah ilmuku dan luaskanlah kefahamanku.
Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah dadaku dan mudahkanlah urusanku


psssttt:- hrp2 lah mlm ni tdo dpt mimpi indah ngn soalan2 yg akn kuar esok...huhu...

23 November 2010


23/11/2010...such a nice date rite??? But I think it will be not really nice to some of Form Five students and Upper Six Students. It is because this morning they will be facing with a bigger exam in their life as a students.

The beginning of two major exam in Malaysia which are Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) will be starting this morning. All candidates of SPM and STPM are u ready???

Two years of preparation including learning in the classroom, attending an extra class, made a revision, finishing homework, and some more. All candidates will use all skills and knowledge that they have learn before to give the best answers in the exam.

For all candidates especially my younger brother wish u "May all the luck be with u and wish u all the very best and great achievement in the exam".

What is the best wish and advice that u will give if u have any family members who will be facing in the exam???

21 November 2010


Yesterday 20/11/2010 was my best friend's engagement. While other people in the mood of Aidiladha celebration, my friends choose to have an engagement ceremony on that date. It such a simple and nice ceremony to celebrate her day. Delicious "Nasi Minyak" was served to all the guests and bring along with beautiful souvenir.

Pink colour was chosen as her "pelamin" while the gift in brown colour to the man side. But in the pic above was the gift from man side in blue theme to the woman side. It look really beautiful and crowded with a lot of flowers.

My best friends, Nor Zuliana Bt Zunaini in her engagement's day. Such a queen and gorgeous in brown colour. She is my best friends when I'm in Upper Six. Graduate from UPM last October in Degree of Arabic Language. For you, I really proud to have you as my best friends. Hope this friendship will be forever and ever.

The pics with her fiancee and future mother in law. Are u nervous that time???Hehe...By the way everything going through smoothly. Alhamdulillah, now u already holding a status of fiancee to such a great man that u choose.

Dearest my friend, wish u Happy Engagement for both of u Nor Zuliana Binti Zunaini and Mohd Noor Bin Haji Nawi. Hope this relationship bring a lot of happiness and blessing from God always in your future life.

18 November 2010


My lovely reader, wish u Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. What are u doing during this raya? Hope u enjoy the celebration as well. For me, it really happening...early in the morning after subuh prayer, take a bath for "Mandi Sunat Aidiladha". Then, prepare myself with a new clothes to pray "Solat Sunat Aidiladha" at Masjid Kg. Jerangau.

At 10.30 am, "Ibadah Korban" started at my village. As usual, I went to that place to see the process of slaughtering. My mom was one who took part in this "Korban" which involving a cow. There also have other people who took buffalo as their "Korban". Whatever animal they choose as long as "Halal" to eat as Muslim, they can have in slaughter's process.

A cow already been slaughter by "Pak Imam". Before doing this process, we need to ensure that knife that will use during the process is really sharp. So that, it made the process become easier and one of the reason to ensure that animal was not painful.

Finishing the process of slaughter, the dividing of meat have done. All members were divide fairly consistency with the weight of cow. Then, we back to home with the meat. At home, my mom divide meat to give to our neighbors or villagers around my house. My younger brother and I doing this task to sent the meat house by house. It really exciting and I enjoy doing that.

At the kitchen, my mom and other aunts doing the task of cooking the meat. What menu to be cook of the meat. Hmmmm...various kind of dishes be prepared by my mom and other aunt. The first one in the pic above was "Sup Tulang"

The second one "Daging Bakar". Can you imagine my uncle doing this during afternoon. So hot that time and it made our body full with sweat. But, it does not matter because the "Daging Bakar" was served during lunch time.

The last dishes from that meat was "Daging Goreng Kunyit". Hmmm, various of dishes have served during this Aidiladha. What is your favourite dishes if u want to cook meat? It will be different each of you according to our taste rite???

psssttt:- klu nak tau...adik beradik saya mmg tak makan daging..sgt2 rugi kan??? hehe

17 November 2010


Wukuflah pada kbaikan,
Tawaflah pd keindahan,
Saielah pd khdupan,
Lontarlah jamrah kjahatan,
Dan cukurlah dosa kesalahan.

Pengorbanan IBRAHIM patut dicontohi,
Ketaatan ISMAIL wajar diikuti,
Kesetiaan HAJAR lambang kasih sejati,
Bersama hayati erti pengorbanan sebenar.

Salam Aidiladha
Mohon Ampun & Maaf

16 November 2010


Ingatkah kita kepada satu tarikh dimana Umat2 Islam Di Mekah yang mengerjakan Rukun Islam Kelima sedang wukuf di Arafah??? Hari ini kita berada di 9 Zulhijjah yang mana ianya di kenali sebagai Hari Arafah.

Hari Arafah adalah hari yang kesembilan dari bulan Zulhijjah yang mana bagi jemaah haji mereka diwajibkan berada di padang Arafah untuk wuquf di sana.

Daripada Sayyidatina ‘Aisyah bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang ertinya : Tiada daripada hari yang lebih ramai daripada membebaskan Allah padanya hamba daripada neraka daripada hari Arafah. Dan sesungguhNya akan mengasihani, kemudian Dia bangga depan malaikat maka Dia bertanya : Apakah yang dikehendaki oleh mereka itu?

Bagi mereka yang tidak mengerjakan ibadat haji, disunatkan berpuasa. Pada hari ini juga disunatkan untuk mengumandangkan takbir.

Kelebihan berpuasa pada hari ini ialah ia dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa setahun yang telah lalu dan dosa setahun yang akan datang, sebagaimana hadith yang telah diriwayatkan daripada Abu Qatadah al-Anshari ra:

Dan Rasulullah SAW ditanya tentang berpuasa di hari ‘Arafah. Maka Baginda bersabda: “Ia menebus dosa setahun yang telah lalu dan setahun yang akan datang.” (Hadith Riwayat Imam Muslim)

Manakala bagi mereka yang melakukan ibadah haji pula adalah disunatkan untuk tidak berpuasa pada hari ‘Arafah dan adalah menyalahi perkara yang utama jika mereka berpuasa juga pada hari itu berdasarkan apa yang diriwayatkan dari Ummu al-Fadhl binti al-Harith:

Ramai di kalangan sahabat Rasulullah SAW yang ragu-ragu tentang berpuasa pada hari ‘Arafah sedangkan kami berada di sana bersama Rasulullah SAW, lalu aku membawa kepada Baginda satu bekas yang berisi susu sewaktu Baginda berada di ‘Arafah lantas Baginda meminumnya. (Hadith Riwayat Imam Muslim).

psssttt:- Selamat berpuasa kpd semua yg berpuasa hari ini, entry ni di tulis lps bersahur smbil2 nk tunggu masuk wktu subuh..hehe

15 November 2010


Finally, a gift from K.Nur arriving at my home this evening. A gift for what?? Maybe you already forgot rite but don't worry just refer to this entry Yeay...I Am One Of The Winner.

You know what I got...lets see the pic above. One colourful nice rite. Actually I love to keep and collect many types of bracelet. So, this one will add my bracelet's collection. By the way thanks to K.Nur for this gift and much appreciated.

13 November 2010


I'm home Raya's leave begin. By 3PM I already arrived at my home. So, what's going on with this leave? Raya..raya...

Maybe certain people just say Aidiladha is not happening like Aidilfitri but for my family both of celebration will be celebrate with our own way. My schedule on Raya will be back to my grandparent's house, visiting other relative and the most important is my mom or my dad will join "Ibadah Korban".

For this year, my mom take part for this "Ibadah Korban" with other six members around my house. So, lets join me to see the slaughtering's process...hehe. If you feel scared to blood don't get near because it can make people vomitt, headaches or maybe fainted.

Through this leave, I must be aware with my study too because final exam will be starting after this raya. Reading book, make note, memorize facts and whatever that relate with the exam.

Mostly people will not be back to their hometown because there have no leave during this raya. It is not enough for one or two days to be back to hometown especially to those who stay far from hometown. However, whenever you are, just enjoy yourself.

12 November 2010


Do you know why I'm write this entry? It is because tomorrow 13 November 2010 the candidates who registered for MUET will face with that. So, my wish to all my friends or other students who will seat for that test "May all the luck be with you and wish you all the very best and great achievement in that exam".

Before that, is there any people who did not know what actually MUET stand for? Maybe they already heard but never get much information on that.

Malaysian University English Test (MUET) is a test of English language proficiency, largely for university admissions. The test is set and run by the Malaysian Examinations Council (which also runs the Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia examination) and largely recognized only in Malaysia and Singapore.

There are four components in MUET: Listening(800/1)-(45 scores), Speaking(800/2)-(45 scores) ; Reading(800/3)-(120 scores); Writing(800/4)-(90 scores).

The maximum scores for each component is 45 for Listening and Speaking, 120 for Reading Comprehension and 90 for Writing, with an aggregate score of 300. The scores are then graded in 6 bands, with Band 6 the highest and Band 1 the lowest.

Band 6- Very good user (Aggregated score:260-300) Very good command of the language. Highly expressive, fluent, accurate and appropriate language: hardly any inaccuracies. Very good understanding of language and contexts. Functions extremely well in the language.

Band 5- Good user (Aggregated score:220-259) Good command of the language. Expressive, fluent, accurate and appropriate language but with minor inaccuracies. Good understanding of language and contexts. Functions well in the language.

Band 4- Competent user (Aggregated score:180-219) Satisfactory command of the language. Satisfactory expressive and fluent,appropriate language but with occasional inaccuracies. Satisfactory understanding of language and contexts. Functions satisfactorily in the language.

Band 3- Modest user (Aggregated score:140-179) Modest command of the language. Modestly expressive and fluent,appropriate language but with noticeable inaccuracies. Modest understanding of language and contexts. Able to function modestly in the language.

Band 2- Limited user (Aggregated score:101-139) Limited command of the language. Lacks expressiveness, fluency and appropriacy: inaccurate use of the language resulting in breakdown in communication. Limited understanding of language and contexts. Limited ability to function in the language.

Band 1- Extremely limited user (Below 100) Poor command of the language. Unable to use language to express ideas: inaccurate use of the language resulting in frequent breakdowns in communication. Little or poor understanding of language and contexts. Hardly able to function in the language.

Most candidates who sit for MUET do so to apply for admissions in public universities and colleges. MUET is largely optional, if considered at all, in applying for admissions in other universities and colleges in Malaysia.

Many local universities now require students to only have sat for the MUET in order to graduate, without taking into account the band achieved. But, if there have university which taking into account the band achieved to graduate. What do you think about that? Is it really good to have that condition in all university?

Of course, it's really good to help students in their future. Besides that, it also give a credit to them when they come into job's interview. Mostly, nowadays English is really important in our daily life as conjunction with the development of our country.

But what happen to the students who already finish the study but cannot be graduate because of band achieved? Is it fair to them who sacrifice came to class, made a presentation and did all the assignment very well for four year and suddenly cannot be graduate. What do you will feel if this situation happen to you?

11 November 2010


Yeay...I got it... Free signature from Kak Yong. Thanks and really appreciate on it. How I got it? Last Monday I blogwalking to her blog and the entry on that time was about Font untuk signature.

You know what, Kak Yong create a very creative entry to make people who read this entry can feel like that got headache..huhu....pening..pening.... The entry contain with a lot of fonts and people need to count how many fonts on that entry. So, I decide to try count the fonts and luckily I gave a correct answer.

I'm the one who join to count it after a few blogger surrender to do it..huhu...sgt gigih yer mengira. Scroll up, scroll down, scroll up and down again until finishing.

Now, I got the signature. Really beautiful and I'm satisfied with her work. Thanks again Kak Yong. The pic of the signature :-

If there, any interested to have that kind of signature you can buy it through
It contain a lot of patterns and you can tell directly what design or font you want.

07 November 2010


What are your condition rite now??? OK or KO. Hope everyone in good condition. Anyone who feel stress??? Don't worry feeling of stress is normal thing in our life but don't make stress as your habit. It's really dangerous.

What is stress? Everyone know rite...stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious.

When people will get stress? Stress can come anytime and sometime people not expect about that. Even you feel happy,excited during the morning but when evening come your mood already change. It means that you are in not stable of condition.

Who will get stress? Everyone will face with this situation...myself, parents, teacher, boss, staff, students and others.

Myself...when I don't know how to finish something, it made me feel quite bored. It make my mind keep thinking and thinking how to finish it. So, messier my thought to face with that.

Parents. When actually you think parents will face with stress??? I think various situation can made them feel stress mostly when they need to face with a problem's child. Besides that, about their children academic performance when teacher called them to school to discuss about that. Furthermore, when it come to money problem. If their children ask for money to pay or buy something, if there have not enough money, how they want to face with it rite??

Teachers. A lot of task they need to settle down teaching, meeting, marking the students's book or exam paper. If they cannot manage and control, they will facing with stress. The job need to be settle with little time.

Boss. When you are in this position, you will easily feel stress. Don't think you are in good rank you can easily told the lower position staff to do everything for you. You need to monitor their achievement, manage the duty equally between each staff. So, do you think holding a higher position is easy?

Staff. Finish all the task on time is the major situation that make you easily to get stress. It happen when you cannot manage which work need to be settle first, how to divide your time for each work and you will keep thinking whether you can finish it on time or not.

Students. When it come to the school or university environment, the word of stress usually point out in their mind. Why? Presentation, assignment, homework or study. How to settle down everything??

Lets to overcome this situation "STRESS". In my opinion, the most important thing to avoid this situation are depend on how we manage our time for each work. We must have a good of time management. From this, people can have good condition of life. You know why, when the time have manage, it make our task and life become easy.

Besides that, in our life we must have checklist. For what, whatever we want to do, we list it according to the most important until the not important. So, we can see the flow of our task.You no need to make your mind messy with many thing. It move smoothly one by one and there have no feeling of stress.

Orrrraaaittt, enjoy your life with a blessing from God and happinness.

03 November 2010



1) Dari bujang-kahwin No 1 ---- no.2 ----- DLL.

2) Dari pakai moto kap --- kancil---Proton --- Honda ---BMW --- MBenz --- seterusnye..

3) Badminton ---Tennis --- Golf ----

4) Rumah sewa---- rumah murah ---rumah teres --- banglow...

5) Technician ----supervisor ----- engineer --- manager --- GM ---VP

6) Tv 14' --- 21' --- 29' ---- Home theather...

7) Sg Danga --- Tanjung Leman --- Langkawi ---- Hadnyai --- Bangkok --- Paris

8) Dalam semua segi kita mau kan perubahan kearah yang lebih baik dan

9) mancing kat parit /longkang ---- sungai --- kolam (bayar punye)----
laut dalam (sewa bot mewah)......







1) tak sembahyang ---- pastikan sembahyang---jadikan amalan....

2) banyak maksiat ----- kurangkan ----- hapuskan...

3) Bangi ---- madinah ---- mekah---

4) sedekah RM1.00 ---- RM10.00 --- RM100.00/

5) sembahyang dirumah --- sembahyang di surau/mesjid....

6) 5 jam sehari menonton TV ----- 3 jam TV & 2 jam majlis ILMU....

7) 3 jam baca suratkabar/majallah/internet ----- 2 jam majallah/surat
khabar/internet & 1 jam membaca AL QURAN /selawat , zikir.

8) Apa apa aktiviti yang hasilnya adalah untuk AKHIRAT.

Tetapi apa yang banyak berlaku pada ZAMAN AKHIR! ini ialah PERSONAL
improvement banyak kepada kearah KEDUNIAAN SEMATA. Perkara berkaitan
AKHIRAT slowly di ketepikan....


Kalau dulu rajin dan tak tinggal 5 waktu, tetapi beransur-ansur........

Kalau dulu tak kenal DANGDUT/KARAOKE... bila tuhan beri kenaikan
pangkat &
gaji lebih benda seperti ni dah jadi biasa...

Macam macam lagi yang
pun sedia maklum dan tahu... malah berlaku dikalangan ahli keluarga
jiran, rakan-rakan, DLL. Jadi samalah kita membuat BALANCE ACTION PLAN,

Tuhan beri semua makhluk didunia ini 24 jam sehari, tiadalah seorang
yang mendapat kurang atau lebih barang sesaat pun... Tuhan juga memberi

kita peluang untuk menggunakan masa yang ada untuk di manafaatkan...

dengan sebaik mungkin.. Tuhan hanya mahu kita beramal selama lebih

40~50 tahun demi untuk mendapat balasan Syurga untuk selamanya...


Semoga tuhan terus memberi kita petunjuk dan hidayah untuk kita berjaya
di dunia dan akhirat.

1. Roh para Nabi dan utusan menuju ke Syurga Adnin.

2. Roh para ulama menuju ke Syurga Firdaus.

3. Roh mereka yang berbahagia menuju ke Syurga Illiyyina.

4. Roh para shuhada berterbangan seperti burung disyurga mengikut
kehendak mereka.

5. Roh para mukmin yang berdosa akan tergantung diudara tidak di bumi
dan tidak di langit sampai hari kiamat.

6. Roh anak-anak orang yang beriman akan berada di gunung dari minyak

7. Roh orang-orang kafir akan berada dalam neraka Sijjin, mereka
diseksa berserta jasadnya hingga sampai hari Kiamat.'

Telah bersabda Rasullullah S.A.W:

'Tiga kelompok manusia yang akan dijabat tangannya oleh para malaikat
padahari mereka keluar dari kuburnya:-

1. Orang-orang yang mati syahid.

2. Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat malam dalam bulan ramadhan.

3.Orang berpuasa di hari Arafah.'

01 November 2010


What date is today??? Hmmm my calendar where is it??? In my purse??? oh no my study table actually...hihi.

What actually in my mind when November come??? First thing in my mind L.E.A.V.E. Where do you want to go??? I feel to fly to my home rite now, meet my parents...really miss them so much buuuutttttt I need to settle down my academic project and some few assignments this time.

I already in study leave but still at my hostel rite now. Oh my academic project!!! Why it is difficult to finish??? I don't know what to write again...huhu.

One more thing, don't be too relax my dear..exam around the corner. Oh mommy, oh daddy exam fever come., Is it me?? No..I'm not that kind...I?? Last minute pattern. Don't be like that. It really dangerous k.

Three papers waiting for me to fulfill it with a great answer. Wow...already finish all the text book, note or slide??? When to start?? I don't know.

November means two months to be in the new year 2011. Hmmm..time don't wait for, this two months keep it as a precious and meaningful in our life.

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A daughter, a sister & a degree holder in Bachelor of Counseling (Hons.)..above all, a Muslim.. :)
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